Welcome to my running blog. We are happy to serve all our customers and guide them along the way!

Running Blog
We are here to guide you through all your running experiences!
My passion is running, simply put. I love that feeling every morning when I start my day with a 30 min run. For all those passionate runners out there, I created this blog so as I can share this passion with everyone like me. I have a full time job like most of us out Read More ...
Welcome to my running blog. We are happy to serve all our customers and guide them along the way!
We are here to help you get the most out of your running experience. We are available to answer all your running questions and guide you along the way. Contact us now!
Clean Home is means a healthy home. Cleaning of the house is absolutely necessary for healthy habits. However, the mere thought of it can make someone either frustrated or overwhelmed. The major reason behind it is the effort that is associated with it. An organized home is easier to clean, but if your house is not organized, then it can become even more tedious. However, if you organize the cleaning process, then things can get better and you can free yourself to o the tasks you want such as running for your health. Here is how you can organize the cleaning process as well.
Your house looks dirty when your laundry and dishes are dirty. Both laundry and dishes have a bad impact on the overall cleanliness of the house. When it gets piled up, things look very messy. So, the first thing is to clean the dishes right after the meal. The laundry should not be piled up as well. More are the number of people living in the house, more clothes would be ready for laundry. Thus it should be cleaned regularly. What if you can’t clean regularly? Well, laundry hampers can be very useful in this case, where you can keep the clothes. It would ensure that these are not cluttered. So, neither the dishes nor the laundry is piled up. This does not only makes your place look cleaner but also more spacious.
The next thing is the bathroom that must be cleaned on a regular basis. Well, there is one thing that makes a bathroom dirty, that is water. The drier the bathroom is, the clearer it becomes. If the water drainage is not good in your bathroom, make sure to fix the problem. The water should be wiped out after bathing so that it is left to dry after every use. You may not do the deep cleaning of the bathroom every day, but a regular cleaning might save you from big effort later. So, clean the bathroom every day to make the cleaning process organized.
Spot cleaning is a crucial part of the cleaning process and often ignored. If there are some spills and it creates a spot, then it must be cleaned. This saves cleaning efforts as well. If the spot is left to dry, then it becomes very hard to clean it later. Thus it is advisable to clean it immediately. It makes cleaning easy and organized.
Your floor makes or breaks your home. It does not matter how beautiful is your décor if your floor looks dirty, then the house does not look clean. If you are using carpets, then cleaning of the carpet is also necessary. Make sure the corners are cleaned carefully. The corners are often left untouched and that looks really dirty.
The deep cleaning of the house can be done once a week. Cleaning of window panes and deep cleaning of the kitchen are a few examples of it. However, it is best to mop your floor every day if you don’t have carpet all over. Vacuuming carpet at least twice a week can be counted as a good cleaning process and can possibly make you loose weight.
Easy running is a very important part of the training. It is always said that marathon running and hard training are the most important part of the training. However, this is not the entire story for training. One needs to understand that easy running is equally important. This helps the athlete prepare for race or training. This is important for giving the mind and the body the adequate break. Easy running is actually running with low speed and a very low heart rate. Typically, the easy running season is done just after an intense session of running for speed and endurance.
Here is how you should do easy running
Like every other exercise, the easy running starts with warming up. However, warming up should not be much, so one should simply not overdo it. Early morning warming up should consist of squats, lunges and few skips. This helps to increase the blood flow of the body and increase the heart rate.
The start should be very slow for the easy running just after the warming up. To quantify the speed, one can say that the start should be two minutes slower than the original race speed. This keeps the form as it is and also allows the body to recover. It is about the practice to slow down and keep the heart rate at check. The basic goal is to keep a comfortable pace. This slow run ensures to build some endurance to the build and is quite beneficial. This is also good for strength and simulates the fatigue on the body. So, the most important part is to recover through the slow run and also to keep the endurance of the build.
Just before the finish, one needs to ensure that some speed is added to the run. It is always better to add the speed in each of the sets. The best way to do this is to do hill repeats. Now, this is very smart for the runner. The tiring legs get the strength and the endurance with the extra bit of pace that is added just before the finish of the run. One needs to dig deeper at the last stages of the running.
Post-Run Stretch
There is one practice that every athlete does is to stretch after every run. There is no change here in the easy running as well. The stretch helps the muscles and the tendons to be relaxed. It can be really hard otherwise and can cause pain. The major focus should be on the hips, hamstrings, calves and of course the hips flexors. The stretch is just the finish that every easy running session needs for the best results.
As it is often asked what should be the ratio between intense workout and easy running. Well, the best ratio should be somewhere between 70-30 or even 80-20. This could be best for strength and endurance. If you are training for a race then this combination could be the best.
It is easy to find time to work out in our busy schedule. So most office going people cancels their trip to gym and prefers to do the workouts at home. There are some basic workout tips you can follow to get great result out of it. Although exercising at home may not be as effective as going to gym. However, it should be enough for you to keep a healthy body and mind. It is better to do in your exercise at home than missing the gym due to the lack of time. If you know the proper techniques these quick workout tips can be really helpful for you.
Barrel Chest Workout
You don’t have to hit the gym to do this quick workout. All you need a strong pole which can hold your body weight. This exercise is quite effective for your upper body. You have to repeat the steps after 3-4 minutes of resting. Here are the steps
This may sound quite difficult for beginners, however as you do those everything it will become a habit. The good thing about this routine is that, it can be done at home. It takes a small amount of time and has great outcome.
Body Burn Workout
This is a simple form of exercise you can do at your home. You just need some tools for this exercise like dumbbell and wheel. You have to repeat the exercise steps for 5-6 times. You have to complete lunge with dumbbell and do pushups. This exercise also contains dumbbell deadlifts, plank and curl. You can do this exercise regularly. This routine has a great impact on your fitness. This quick workout can certainly keep your muscles strong and your body fit.
Leg Workout
Leg workout is a very important for any kind of workouts. The leg workouts described below can be done at home and takes a small amount of time to complete. Weight squat is the most important steps for any leg workout. You can complete sets as many as you can. For beginners it can be quite hard but with regular workout, this should become easier. Next you have to complete a set of reverse lunge. The wall sit is also an effective way of keeping your legs fit and strong. Leg workout is a simple form of exercise and you don’t have to hit the gym to do that.
Cardio Workout
This exercise also have similar pattern like the previous ones. You have to complete a set, take rest for few minutes and repeat once again. A jump rope is essential for cardio workout and it should not be difficult to arrange. There is no need to spend time in gym for a proper cardio exercise routine. You can do it in home with rope, dumbbell, and some bear crawling. This workout is quick and easy with great results.
Free running has many benefits for health, some people run to keep them fit and some run to lose weight and professional athlete run to maintain their top speed. Running has a positive impact on your mind and body. No matter for which reason you are running, some cool gadgets can really add a new dimension to your running experience. Gadgets are becoming quite popular among runners as those devices help to keep track of many records. It is important that you know about the difference aspects of your running record. So here are some gadgets recommended for free runners:
Adidas MiCoach Armband
This is an activity watch from Adidas which is a great device to keep tracks of your running records. This armband has enabled GPS service in it and has its own operating system. It is not easy to carry a smartphone on your hand while running. Smart phone has apps which can show your progress while running. But the process of looking at the phone while running is very difficult. So you can use this armband as it has app installed in it. You can also monitor your heart rate through this device. It is an essential device for runners and it has many benefits.
Adidas PMX Sports
This earphone is specifically designed for runners as you will notice that the design is quite odd compared to regular earphone. This device is water and sweat resistant which is quite clever design from Adidas. It can be worn around the neck and it is quite comfortable to wear actually. This device also allows you to hear other noises which is very important if you are running on a busy road. You can control volumes from the control bar. This device also allows you to receive phone calls without taking out the phone.
Berghaus Backpack
A clever backpack for runners which has a versatile design and a compact size. This bag is perfect for professional runners as it has all the space to carry important things. The bag is water resistant and made of fabric which is quite comfortable to carry on back. There are spaces inside the bag to carry your smartphone and tabs along with other gadgets. There are pockets outside which can be used to carry sunglasses and water bottles. There is also space inside the bag to carry a small notebook which is very handy for runners.
Sony NWZ Walkman
You can’t watch videos while running, so if you are planning to listen to some songs while running this is the right device for you. This MP3 player is only 51g in weight and a perfect device for free runner. It comes with an 8gb storage which is enough to store hundreds of songs. It can play songs for 36 hours with one full charge. This device is perfect for runners who like to listen to music while running but don’t want to carry much weight.
You’re not the only one who desires to shed pounds. Most people want to lose a few pounds, but many don’t make the effort. It can be intimidating for tons of people to shed pounds, or they don’t know the best way to do it. If this educational article pertains to you, release your fears and start to shed pounds.
If you eat your meal while watching television, you are more likely to eat more than you typically would. Engaging in distracting activities including driving and texting while dining may cause you to eat too many calories. It’s a better idea to focus on the meal itself by making sure you use a plate and sit down to eat even if you’re alone. If you are serious about losing weight, you will work to develop good eating habits.
If your goal is to shed pounds, you should consider bringing low- or non-fat yogurt into your diet. One will find this very beneficial because yogurt contains a plethora of fat burning capabilities. Yogurt has live cultures that boost the immune system, help with digestion, and help burn fat. A lot of people credit yogurt as a major factor in dieting.
Snacks, chips, and bread should all be minimized if you want to shed pounds. When you dine out, ask the server to refrain from bringing out bread prior to the meal. Those types of foods are very tempting when you’re hungry. Avoid foods full of carbohydrates, as they are certainly the enemy.
If you are trying to shed pounds, rather than only cooking yourself healthy meals, prepare low-cal healthy means for the entire family. It’s easier to shed pounds and keep them off when the entire family dines on the same food. It is beneficial to not be tempted by the unhealthy food that your family members are eating in front of you. Do not forget that every little morsel that you eat could make you just a little bit fatter.
One tiny little drink can add large numbers of calories that do not even make you any more full. Cut back where you can and go ahead and treat yourself to something small on the weekends. You will find that a glass of wine, light beer, or vodka and soda will contain roughly 100 calories per serving. You can improve upon your diet by consuming more water.
You can help yourself make better food choices by incorporating an additional hour of sleep into your routine. When you have received the proper amount of rest, you are less likely to snack out of stress or fatigue. Research indicates those that don’t get adequate sleep have a tendency to put on weight over time. Furthermore, getting enough sleep can help you feel good.
Exercise is the most effective way to keep you fit and healthy. You probably had heard this a lot of time. Exercise works as a medicine for your body and it doesn’t have any kind of harmful side effect. There are many different forms of exercise and running is one of those. Running regularly has many health benefits, some you already know and some you may not. Running is helpful to fight obesity, blood pressure and heart disease. It has been proven by scientist that regular running is very effective to keep your body and mind in good shape. Let’s have a look at some other benefits of running.
It Makes You Feel Good
We have to go through many things in our personal and professional life. Some are pleasant and some are not. Constant pressure of office work can result in stress and tension. Stress leads to other physical and mental condition. Regular running can help you to get relief from stress and tension. If you are running regularly for some time, you probably already know about that. Running will make you feel good because it releases a feel good hormone called endocannabinoids.
It Helps in Weight Loss
A strict diet will certainly help you to lose your weight. But sometime only diet is not enough to lose your weight. If you haven’t tried running to lose your weight, you should try this. You will be surprised with the result. Our calories get burnt when we run and losing calories will cause weight loss. You don’t have to run like a cheetah to lose your weight. Just slow pace jogging can really help you to burn the extra calories. It has been scientifically proven that running is very effective in weight loss process.
It Strengthens Your Legs
Your leg bones will get stronger with regular running. Scientist have shown that regular running will increase the mass of your bones. We often face bones related difficulties as we age. Our bones also get old with our age which cause bone loss. If someone tells you that running is not good for your knees, he/she is obviously wrong. It has been scientifically proved that running is in fact very helpful to make your knees stronger. Proper running will never cause any kind of harm to your knees. Running is very helpful to fight conditions like arthritis.
Mental Sharpness
Your brain you will not stay sharp as you age. You may lose your mental sharpness as you get old. Regular running is very helpful to fight age related metal difficulties. Scientist have shown that we can slower the mental decline process with regular running exercise. Like your body, your mind also needs to be in proper shape. Running helps to keep your mind boosted and brain sharp. It improves the functionally of brain.
Above are some health benefits of regular running, there are more like reducing cancer risk, adding years to your life.
On the off chance that you need to run longer distances and enhance your stamina, then you need to start now. Simply add a couple of minutes to every workout, pushing through comfort zone until your time is up. Besides, if you are determined to increase the speed, the do sprints and polyometrics. This form of exercise will make your body stronger and you will be able to move faster. Follow these important tips to increase your stamina.
Before you think about running, it’s a smart move if you have learnt all the basics. It does not affect you if you have an awkward posture while running just two or three miles. On the contrary, bad posture will have negative impact on your running speed when you are thinking about participating in a marathon. Therefore you need to practice these steps:
Before attempting to include more time, see precisely what you need to work with. On your next run, wear a digital watch and time yourself. Its always better if you know the starting point, and slowly add more time each day. Never over strain and this may lead to ligament tear. Focus all your energy in running before you need to stop. Attempt to continue going even after you feel exhausted and your legs begin throbbing. You may realize that you have more strength than you can imagine, since a major part of having the capacity to run longer is being able to manage some distress. Consider setting an objective taking into account you’re starting time. On the off chance that you can run around 15 minutes, your objective may be to make it to 30. Further to that, if you are able to run for around half an hour, then aim to run for one hour.
Your body feels different based on what you drink and eat. If you feel bloated or heavy, then you may not be able to run for too long. It’s essential to be totally hydrated and satisfied with supplements so you’ll have the capacity to complete the whole run. However it is not mandatory that you have to carbo-load your body before running. Sometimes, this can back fire. Unless you are in marathon, your body does not require that extra carbohydrates to finish the race. Just around one hour before the run, eat a banana, or a handful of almonds or a bagel with peanut butter. This ought to be adequate to get you through the race without tiring you down. Further to that, never hydrate your body with sports drink, instead opt for water. Actually, extra calories, may slow you down.
Running is not just a physical sport but it’s a mental sport as well. Sometimes, negative thoughts will make you lethargic or you feel disappointed during the training period. You think, “I’m too tired to run” or “I’m never going to reach my goal”. As a matter of fact, it happens to every one of us. However there are few tricks that can help you to eliminate those thoughts and control them to really enhance your running. Yes, with your mind alone, you can improve as a, quicker and stronger runner. Try these techniques to accomplish your goal.
Another study from New York University demonstrated that a little positive thought can help competitors get to their destination all the more quickly. When athletes concentrated on the completion line as opposed to contemplating their surroundings, they were quicker and assumed the distance as shorter. This mental trick is not limited to just one particular sport; researchers have claimed that this step could work on any other sports activity, for instance biking wherein you have to concentrate on the marker. You can concentrate on small targets and this feel like it’s more manageable.
A study conducted Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that taking a look at positive visuals, such as happy faces or empowering words, helped athletes exercise for longer time. Further to that, it motivates them to accomplish their goals. Apart from this moral support, these fans or your buddies can hold up signs that will encourage you to get to the finish line quicker.
You may look a bit insane; however it won’t make any difference since you will be able to maintain the pace while other silent athletes will be exhausted. As per Runner’s World, a great mantra is one that is positive, short and one which supports you.
A study distributed in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that mental weariness can disable physical execution. Two gatherings finished a high-power cycling activity, and the group which participated in advanced mentally draining tasks beforehand performed quite bad when compared to the batch which did emotionally neutral activity. Furthermore, the mentally-drained batch quit sooner since they felt totally exhausted. This analysis stresses that running has to do with your mental capacity.
You need to have some cash to do this little trick, however if you understand the nuances of it, then you can increase your mileage as well as your monthly allowance. Of course, you can’t buy happiness, however it does motivate you to continue trekking. A 2013 Mayo Clinic study found that individuals were more inclined to stay with their health improvement plan in the event that they had money related motivating forces. These individuals likewise lost more weight than the individuals who went unpaid. In addition to that, you can use health apps as well.
It can be a daunting task, when someone has to clean their house and make it look more presentable. Moreover it appears as if, there are constantly more cleaning activities than time in the day! Normal daily cleaning is a must plus all those bigger tidying requests such as dusting the curtains or cleaning the cupboards or has to be carried out at least twice a year.
In any case, we should not give up! A cleaning company actually has helped me learn all the below techniques, you can click here for more information.
Main four items such as lemon solution, salt, baking soda and vinegar can all the cleaning tasks less confounded and less demanding on you. It’s a chance to get your green cleaning unit and start spinning!
Paint odors
At whatever point you have an indoor painting venture, you can minimize the odor coming from the paint by keeping little dishes of vinegar placed randomly in the room. As a result, while you are concentrating on work, the strong chemical smell from the paint will get absorbed by vinegar. Forget the dishes for a couple of days subsequent to completing the task to keep the paint smell under control. Keep in mind to change the vinegar every day.
Has your fireplace is filled with soot and its exterior has smoke smudges? Actually you can clean that by using a paste done by combining water and cream of tartar. Rub it thoroughly on the stained surfaces, let it dry for some time and then clean it off. If you are more concerned about the inside of your chimney and fireplace, then you can loosen the residue by hurling a small amount of salt in the fireplace. The smoldering salt will help slacken the residue a bit of.
The one perfect solution for cleaning all types of floor tiles has always been the solution made from mixing vinegar with water. All you have to do is mix one gallon of warm water with one glass vinegar. Make sure the water is not too hot, and then use the solution to mop it on vinyl, ceramic, linoleum and on wood floor. In addition to that, you do not have to rinse the floor afterward and thereby you can save a lot of time. In case you linoleum or vinyl floor look a bit dull, then you can give it a sparkle by wiping it over again with straight club soda.
Everybody are aware that running is an awesome approach to get into shape, moreover it can bring about positive effects on all parts of the body. In a number of way, you can stay fitter and healthier by running and this exercise is recommended for all. While not many really value this form of exercise, however knowing its benefits may change your opinion on running.
Trust it or not, running is really an incredible method to enhance your general level of wellbeing. According to studies, they have concluded that running can elevate the levels of good cholesterol while likewise helping you build lung capacity and utilization. In addition to that, running can improve the functionality of your immune system and brings down the risk forming blood clots.
For ladies, running can really help to bring down the danger of breast cancer. Moreover, you also lessen the risk of getting a stroke. At present, numerous doctors, have suggested running who are at the early stages of osteoporosis, hypertension and diabetes. And it is proven, that one can reduce the risk of getting a heart attack or cardiovascular diseases by running regularly. You have the chances of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, since the arteries are strengthened and their elasticity is retained due to running.
Running has always been considered as the best type of exercise if you want to shed those extra pounds or maintain a steady weight. Apart from that, you will having glowing skin.
Most of the benefits are not limited to just physical fitness. Actually, running regularly will be make you fit, therefore your self-esteem and self confidence will be boosted. If you set and achieve certain goals, then you will have a great sense of accomplishment and ultimately make you more cheerful.
Anxiety can really bring about various well being and mind-set issues. It can likewise reduce your appetite and you may not get proper sleep. When you run, you compel your body to balance all your hormone levels in your body. Due to the normal functioning of the hormones, you will be less stressed out.
We all know that, when someone is depressed, running is the last thing they will do, however you should try that when you are not feeling lively. Just after few minutes of running, your cerebral brain will begin to secret necessary hormones that will improve your mood. Hence you will feel more relaxed and be slightly cheerful. Of course, some people will think that you can cure depression by taking pills or try out other alternative. However the reality of the situation is that you can derive lots of health benefits from running. Moreover other alternatives can give your side effects that may be harmful to your body. Running actually clears your mind, spirit and body. Therefore you will feel more energized and more focused in your daily activities.